Monday, September 20, 2010

Milking PR for Advice

My in-laws came for a visit, and though it was too short (you have to take what you can get), I was able to milk PR for building advice. He's the guy piloting that plane. Man that guy is a fountain of knowledge, and he speaks with such conviction, he makes you feel like you can do anything. Actually doing them is another issue.

Either way, I able to get some insight into the front step as well as how to frame the window and install the new track lights. He also gave me a thumbs up on the framing work that JH and I did on the front door, and said the barn was coming along just fine.

I feel like a real-man already.

Of course, now that they are gone, all of these projects are languishing, but at least I'm confident (delusional, perhaps?) that they will get done, and even this year.

Until then, thanks for reading.

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