Friday, August 27, 2010

FEBP Keystone

To the untrained eye, it looks like just a board laying on a surface, but to a real man in training, it is so much more.

In fact, as JH said, it's a "keystone," the first step in the FEBP, and a monumental achievement for the likes of yours truly.

JH came over the other day and we set about getting the door re-framed. The first, and perhaps most challenging, was to get the initial sill plate down. This involved taking a PT board and attaching it to the floor joists below with 4 inch screws. This involved a little trial and error in pinpointing the joists, but to JH's credit, and to a lesser degree me, we found them after only one failed attempt. After the first one was located, we measured out 16 inches on center and found the rest. I love when that happens.

In an example of bad planning on my part, I had not yet removed the nails from the siding after I had removed the shingles, so that took some time, but after it was done, we went to work. Once the sill was secured, we were business and had earned a moment of self-congratulations because it was a fairly significant first step.

In other words, we now have until next year to finish this thing... just kidding. If that happens, I guarantee you that I'll be sleeping in the car.

Now that the keystone is in, we can make the frame, and then get to work on that door. Should be interesting, for lack of a better term. Thankfully, JH won't be going on vacation until the third week of September, so I get him for two more Thursdays, thus increasing the odds that this will get done sooner rather than later.

Until the next time, thanks for reading.

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