Monday, September 1, 2008

Berries and Assorted Yard Work

We have had a kick-butt season for berries, and we did absolutely nothing to promote it. Then again, that's not true. I did some serious battle with the Japanese Beatles, the little bastards. They were tenacious and unwavering in their virtual destruction of roses and berry leaves, but in the end, there are so many berry bushes that their impact is muted, thankfully. They are rather pesky pests, though, and I have to give them credit, they are survivors. They are smart like cockroaches, they sense when there is danger and bail out. You've got to appreciate that.

Either way, there are berries galore, and they keep coming. I've been told you can promote their production by doing a few things, but I've got to do more research. Then again, there are more than enough resources in our friends, who seem to know a lot about everything.

I did my first real bout of yard work last week before we took off. It's a funny thing about yards, the require maintenance. Nobody told me that. I just figured things took care of themselves, but the bushes and shrubs seem to be getting a bit out of hand, and left to their own devices, the berry bushes would take over the world. Though I like the raspberries, they have a certain invasive quality about them. They pretty much take over.

And don't even get me started on mowing the lawn. It's been such a rainy summer that I haven't had as much of a chance to mow the lawn, and it's grown a bit out of control. But maybe this week I have no excuse and need to get on it. Part of our lawn is actually dying a slow death, taken over by what I believe are wild strawberries.

Gotta run and prep for the deck cleaning. Until the next time, thanks for reading.

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