Monday, February 2, 2009

Appreciating the Small Moments

I'm beginning to think that being a real man is really all about being a good father to your kids and being a good husband to your wife. While there are plenty of classic images of what it means to be manly in this world, most of which seem to point towards his place in the pecking order amongst his peers, whether it be strength or looks or earning potential, it goes without saying that one of the most difficult jobs not just to assume, but to maintain, is being a significant presence in his family's life. It's also the easiest and most socially acceptable to blow off.

With this in mind, life becomes more centered on the little things, rather than the quest to attain the big milestones. That is not to say that you still can't achieve these things, it's just that you have to compromise a little more and modify your expectations, because it is no longer just about you. And, you come to appreciate the small things in life, and that's not a bad way to be.

I'm becoming more and more aware of this as the economy sours and we head towards difficult times. I see it all around me, and read about in the newspaper, successful men who are having to take a good look at themselves as their defining qualities (i.e., their careers) take a hit. Though I would never wish hard times on anybody, maybe it's a little misguided at times, and maybe it's an opportune time to revisit the notion that a man's place is really at home, with his family.

Sure, we all need to make income and have some means to define ourselves, but when it becomes the focus of our lives and displaces our priorities, then it begs the question, how much is enough?

My name is Fred Lee, and until the next time, thanks for reading.

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