Wednesday, November 26, 2008

What A Complete Drags (more than one)

This pains me to no end, but it turns out we're going to have to clean out the barn so that construction can begin. What a drag. We have to get all of Gary's stuff out of there, and I'm not sure what to do. I guess the first thing is to tell him, but moving that will be a horrendous task. I feel bad mainly if he has to come down to deal with it, but if we can simply move it ourselves, that would make life simpler. The question is, where do you put four hot air balloons? If he's amenable to simply putting them on pallets and covering them with tarps, that would be bonus, but we'll see. Total drag.

It rained pretty heavily yesterday and once again it leaked through the deck. I tried sealing it last summer and it worked up to a point, but the damn design sucks; the deck slopes back down into the house, so when water get onto it, it pools up and leaks into the basement. Now I have to once again address the situation. Home ownership, it ain't always what it's cut out to be.

We still have to do the water testing, and after I called the state agency, the guy left a message that was no help. It made me wonder if he even knows what he's talking about, but I'll give him a chance and try again. The information is there for me, just do what you have to do, and no more.

At least it stopped raining. Until the next time, thanks for reading.

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