Tuesday, November 25, 2008

First Snow and Hunting Season

Though we've had some snow flurries this season, today we got our first real accumulation, and as much as I love the snow, I'm bummed to see it because I haven't gotten our @&%$@* snow tires yet! I don't know why I put it off. Actually, I do know why, it's a lot of money, and money is the one thing I don't want to waste right now. To make matter worse, I have to go to work this morning, and I'm hoping the drive won't be too hairy. It kind of scares me when the conditions get tricky like this, even when we do have snow tires. I'll have to get the tires put on this week. We might get a break in the next couple of days with warmer weather and less snow.

I've noticed that the big topic of discussion wherever I go seems to be hunting, and it's interesting to hear people talk about it. What's really interesting is how the kids really get into it, and from an early age. It really is a way of life out here. When I was younger I probably would have had much more of an interest in it, the guns and all, but now that I'm a family man, I find the idea of guys walking around with guns near our house to be a bit unsettling, if only for the health and welfare of my kids. All it takes is one accident... I can't even think about it.

I will say this; I have a great deal of respect for a lot, if not most of the guys I know who hunt. They take safety seriously and have a great deal of respect for the land, and I wouldn't rule out giving it a try one day, but it's really our kids that I worry about. You just have to practice a lot of common sense, and hang out with the right people.

Fortunately, hunting season doesn't last forever, so you don't have to worry all year long. And since it gets so cold outside and there's no snow (sort of), we spend a lot of time outside.

We're looking forward to the holidays and more snow, always a magical time in Vermont, though we have a lot to prepare for. This week is Thanksgiving, if you can believe that one. I can't.

Supposed to see Gary today, but we might take a rain check since the weather is so poor.

Until the next time, thanks for reading.

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