Monday, November 3, 2008

Just Do It

File this in the "just do it" files, but yesterday we were running around getting ready for the trip and at some point Ruth had to tie up a few loose ends at work and I was at home with the kids. I wanted to finish up with the garden and let it ride until Spring, how cool would that be, but it's hard getting compost when all you've got is a small Japanese sedan. Kurt, the man, said I could use his truck and trailer, but it was late in the day and in typical phredlee phashion I decided to blow it off and put it off until next Spring. Just another day.

BUT, at the last minute, I switched gears and decided to just go for it. It was about three-thirty and we were losing light fast. I told the kids to get in the car, we drove to Kurts and took off with his truck, which he had thoughtfully hitched up and left for us. What a guy. Now all the while, in typical phredlee phashion, I was worried about how the hell I was going to maneuver this thing. I'm not good with trailers, they give me anxiety, but I just went for it, anyway.

We went to John Madden's and he was helping another customer. His farm was muddy and wet, almost swampy, and he mentioned the need for 4-wheel drive, which we now gratefully had. I met a friend of the Bolands there, he was getting compost and his kids played hockey with Patrick and Clara. Cool guy, but of course I forgot his name.

Well, as it turned out, the trailer was too small for what I wanted, three yards, and I was only able to get one, but at least we just did it. I pile the shit onto the front lawn and we'll see if I can get to it before we go. John Madden was cool as always, I love dealing with that guy, and also to helping him out by giving him business is a good thing.

I returned Kurt's truck and tried my best to back the thing into his drive. Dealing with a trailer ain't easy, but if you take the time to really think about it, it helps. Having lots of space helps, too. I'm also thinking that our own compost will help to make up the missing amount, though it might not be enough. Still, I like the idea of using it, and if I empty one bin, it'll be ready for the next load.

Gotta run and prepare for our Big Trip. There won't be too much in coming days in terms of my entries on this blog, since we won't be in the Green Mountain State, but I'll be maintaining a travel blog and continuing to blog on Parenting the Hard Way.

Until the next time, which may be in two weeks, thanks for reading.

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