Thursday, November 27, 2008

State Water Permit Issues continued

I take back all I've said about the waste water management. My bad. I spoke with Terence Shearer and he was not only helpful, but a great guy. I think they would benefit from clarifying things a little to the public, however. As it turns out, I ordered the wrong test. For whatever reason, the public and private tests are different, and that was the root of the problem. I told the water testing lab I was a private dwelling with a private well, so naturally they sold me the tests that applied to me. Well, as it turns out, in our situation, even though we're private, for whatever reason we need to use the public test. That should be clarified, and again, I don't know why their different. The difference is only two things, which should just be included in everything to simplify things.

Anyway, Terence was very helpful, and explained to me what was going on, though again, I was struck by the lack of communication between two state agencies? Surprising? Hardly. He couldn't figure out why my test didn't have everything, when in fact it was because I had the wrong test. He said just make a note to the lab and they should cover everything, but I wasn't convinced. The problem being, if we had run the tests and they had fallen short, then we were the ones who would get screwed. It's not the states fault (well, sort of). The responsibility falls on the homeowner, and I wasn't about take any more chances at this point.

So I called the lab, and that's when I realized I had the wrong test. What a pain. I had to order a new one ($100!) and now I've got to return the others. On a bright note, it does end up being cheaper, so that's not a bad thing. The only thing is, we've got to get them back to the people, and I'm not sure how we'll pull that off, in 24 hours.

At least we're figuring things out. Another bummer issue is that Paul informed me that we've got to clear out the barn. How the hell am I going to move all those darn balloons? It pains me to think of telling Gary he's got to move them, and if I can, I'll do it myself. Total bummer.

Oh well, you do what you gotta do. I'm wondering if the divorce rate in the Upper Valley is higher than other places. It sure seems that way.

Until the next time, thanks for reading.

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