Sunday, December 26, 2010

Wimping Out On the Oil

I was ready to change the oil on our new Fit and went to Gerrish to get the official Honda filter, though I opted for oil at Autozone, where I got yet another filter with the oil change special. So now I have oil, two filters, and extra gaskets for the drain plug, I’m all set.

However, as I look at all that snow on the ground and think about laying in it while I get covered in oil, I decided to take it into our mechanic to have it changed. Sure, I’ll pay about twice what it takes to do it myself ($35 vs $17), plus I’ll miss out on the satisfaction of using my own two hands, not to mention losing real-man points in doing a real-man’s job, but sometimes you just have to let someone else do the job.

For all it’s worth, many of my real-man role models take their cars in to change the oil, so I don’t feel so bad. Justification? Sure, but sometimes a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do, especially a real-man in training.

Until the next time, thanks for reading.

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