Friday, June 11, 2010

Everything's Coming Up Dumplings

Well, despite the fact that there are a million things to do, all I've really been able to accomplish is... you guessed it, make dumplings. Is this how Ben and Jerry's got started? I was on the verge of installing windows on the dormers but the rain made it hard to stand on the roof (funny how that works), and the firewood beckons me. I think eventually we'll find a groove on making our product, but until then, I'll spend my days slaving over a hot stove. I even had to back out of karate last week and had to cancel my COVER building class on windows. What a bummer. Then again, I know how to put in windows.

JH is on vacation so I'm on my own, but such is the life of a real man in training. Until the next time, thanks for reading.

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