Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th

We had a great 4th of July, all based on the fact that we live in a small town. Our town is an eclectic mix of small town rural Vermont and cosmopolitan former city dwellers, and somehow we all manage to coexist peacefully. Though I'm sure the native locals have some thoughts on us flatlanders, they have welcomed and embraced us, or at least faked it, and it makes the town great.

It boils down to the people, all very cool. The 4th celebration was awesome, there was a small-town parade that the kids loved, it was so cool, they threw candy to the kids and Audrey and Nicholas were besides themselves. It was crowded as heck, though, and I was told that people from all around showed up. So much so that they ran out of hamburgers and sausages, but it was a fun time. The party afterward was a bit manic with so many people, but again, people are really nice.

We were pretty wiped out and the kids went to sleep before the fireworks, though we got to see them the night before in Quechee, where we used to live. Have to admit that it was depressing being back there. There's something sad about that place, as if a huge migration of people we know has occurred and now they are all gone. It made me sad to be back and not want to return. I guess it's all part of being a part of our new home.

Last night we were watching a movie and kept hearing sounds at our door and patio window, a frantic scratching sound that freaked us out a little. I turned on the lights and it was a small dog! A Lhasa Ahpso or a Shitzu. Don't know for sure and can't spell either, but I kind of recognized the dog as our neighbor's whom we've never met. It was late and people around here own guns, so I was wary of knocking on any doors at this late hour, but something had to be done about the dog. So I drove over and sure enough it was theirs. Must have gotten spooked by the fireworks. A happy ending to a great day.

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